C-litter - February 2021
Ho pianificato un altra cucciolata con Ally (Venus Melody) e invece tanti spettacolari cuccioli è nato :
Cardhu of Druid's Peak, in poco piu di un ora, il giorno dopo un pomeriggio di addestramento, Ally in poche spinte ha dato luce a questo piccolo Buddha...
Pero', sarà un ragazzino viziatissimo da tutte le zie di casa :)
I've planned another litter with Ally (Venus Melody) and was looking foward in having many many sweet puppies around... but ...surprise...
only the beautiful Cardhu of Druid's Peak was born, in not even an hour, the day after a training afternoon.
But, he will be a very spoiled boy by the aunties around:)
Ich plante einen weiteren Wurf mit Ally (Venus Melody) und hoffte so sehr auf viele viele süsse kleine Welpen im Frühjahr 2021!!!
Aber... es kam dass Cardhu of Druid's Peak geboren wurde...nach einem Trainings Nachmittag und nicht mal in einer Stunde hat Ally den kleinen Kerl geboren...
Der wird vielleicht verwöhnt sein, die Tanten hier zuhause können es kaum erwarten:)
Int. FTCH Dyana'Lys Midnight Movie Love x It FTCH Venus Melody
Matt: Ally:
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Cardhu of Druid's Peak
We all will miss you a lot,
we wish you a good life,
and lot of happiness with your new dad
piccolo Cardhu!
Cardhu derives from the Scots Gaelic "Carn Dubh" meaning Black Rock