Italian Field Trial Champion
Venus Melody - "Ally"
Breeder: Tiziano Cagnoni
Sire: Asteroid Tracker
Dam: Chillychutney
ED 0/0
She is now Italian Field Trial Champion and I am proud of her...
Her working style is nice and calm, but with enough drive to
catch everybody's eye for her fantastic pace.
Ally is beautiful, and she knows that very well... and she loves water... more than anything else...
I had many trials with her, and we had also many times bad luck and so she never could show her real capabilities. Tiziano has breed her, but since she was a puppy most of the time she spent with me. She didn’t like staying with him L
Her physical construction and also her character is very different to my lines, and I love her for that, be different!
She made me so happy when she finally was in pup, and as longer I know her the more I really love her!
It’s a pity that at the moment I do not have so much time for training her deeply, I regret this but I hope we can start in a trial together soon!
Ally è bellissima e questo lei lo sa molto bene…
Abbiamo fatto tanti trial insieme, ma a causa di eventi non molto fortunati Ally purtroppo non ha mai avuto l’opportunità di dimostrare tutte le sue capacità. Tiziano l’ha allevata, ma fin da cucciola amava restare più con me che con lui. Il suo fisico ed il suo carattere sono diversi dalle mie linee ed io la amo proprio per questo suo essere “diversa”.
Mi ha reso veramente felice quando mi ha donato i suoi cuccioli… più la conosco e più la amo! Ally è un vero e proprio Labrador Retriever!!
Momentaneamente mi dispiace di non avere tempo a sufficienza per addestrarla bene: spero comunque di tornare presto in linea con lei! Ho deciso comunque di farle avere una nuova cucciolata… speriamo che vada tutto bene!
Ally ist sehr sehr schön, und sie weiss das…
Ich bin mit ihr oft in Field Trials gestartet, wir hatten einige Male kein Glück und somit konnte sie ihre wahren Qualitäten nicht oft zeigen. Ally wurde von Tiziano gezüchtet, aber von Klein auf blieb sie bei mir, es war ihre Wahl, bei mir zu bleiben, sie hatte das so entschieden. Es gefiel ihr nicht so bei ihm.
Ihr Körperbau und ihr Charakter sind anders als meine Linie, aber dafür liebe ich sie so sehr, weil sie eben anders ist!
Sie hat mich sehr glücklich gemacht, als sie mir den B-Wurf geschenkt hat, und umso länger ich sie kenne, um so mehr liebe ich sie. Sie ist ein ganz besonderer Labrador!
Es ist etwas unglücklich, dass ich im Moment nicht so viel Zeit habe, um mit ihr zu trainieren, aber ich hoffe, wir kehren bald zurück in die Linie!
In der Zwischenzeit habe ich beschlossen, sie nochmals zu decken, hoffentlich!!!
FT Novice 04/10/2014 Sinalunga 2. ECC RCAC
FT Novice 21/02/2015 Cressa 2. ECC RCAC
FT Novice 19/09/2015 Masserano 2. VG
FT International 14/11/2015 Cressa 3. ECC
FT Open 21/11/2015 Capalbio 3. ECC
Italian Retriever Championship 27+28.01.2016 Ottobiano eliminated
FT Open 21/02/2016 Cressa 1.. ECC CAC
FT International 04/01/2017 Camugliano G
Italian Retriever Championship 28+29.01.2017 Todi eliminated
FT Open 04.01.2018 Stagno 1. ECC CAC
FT International 06.01.2018 Lajatico Eccellent
Italian Retriever Championship 20-21.01.2018 Piacenza Very Good
In this photo her generational pedigree (from the left)
Yankee Goes To Tuscany,