The A-litter 16 March 2014
FTCH Waterford Featherman "Tiger" x Int. FTCH Millershook Anna "Anna"
DOB 16.03.2014
Tiziano was convinced that Anna had to be mated, and right from the beginning he had in his mind Waterford Fergus. Unfortunately Fergus had a bad accident and we couldn’t use him. Therefore he decided to use the brother, Waterford Featherman (Tiger).
This was in 2013/14 and at this time I was not interested in breeding issues, I just wanted to have fun working Anna.
He organized everything and his huge experience and knowledge in stud dogs, behaviors and health topics made me trust him blindly.
So we mated Anna with Tiger, and on the 16th March 2014 five absolutely marvelous puppies had been born at my home. Anna was already an experienced mother as she had a litter before with Paul. She did everything on her own, and this didn’t make me learn a lot…it seemed everything just so easy!
We constructed a puppy park in the garden and the litter was a huge fun, but I was also very relieved when they went to their new families.
Anna gave birth to 4 dogs and 1 bitch.
Adrenaline, Astronaut, Aquila, Amarok, Aligator
The bitch, Adrenaline aka Cathy, stayed with me.
Astronaut went to a friend close to me and is used now as a working dog.
Aquila went to Finland in a working home.
Amarok went to Zug and is working.
Aligator went to Zürich into a very nice home with a bunch of other dogs.
Tiziano era fermamente convinto che Anna dovesse riprodurre e fin da subito aveva in mente lo stallone Waterford Fergus. Purtroppo Fergus a causa di un incidente non poteva più riprodurre. Fu così che decidemmo di farla coprire dal fratello, Waterford Featherman (Tiger).
Questo accadde nel 2013/2014 ed in quel periodo non ero molto interessata alle tematiche relative all’allevamento in quanto ero interessata unicamente al lavoro con Anna. Tiziano dal canto suo organizzava tutto ed io avevo piena fiducia della sua immensa esperienza e conoscenza dei maschi riproduttori, dei loro comportamenti e dei valori sulla loro salute.
Anna era stata coperta da Tiger ed il 16 Marzo 2014, a casa mia, sono nati cinque cuccioli formidabili. Anna si è dimostrata subito una madre con esperienza avendo già avuto una cucciolata con Paul. Faceva tutto da sola e questo non mi ha permesso di imparare molto: sembrava tutto semplicissimo!
In giardino avevamo costruito un parco divertimenti e la cucciolata era molto sveglia e giocosa, anche se devo ammettere che mi sono sentita sollevata nel momento in cui i cuccioli sono andati presso le loro nuove famiglie.
Anna ha dato alla luce quattro maschi e una femmina:
Astronaut, Aquila, Amarok, Aligator e Adrenaline.